WHO director faces a call to resign for coronavirus handling!

According to the latest news, the WHO director is now facing a massive wave of calling for resignation due to his bad handling of coronavirus situation. Catch the full article below!

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

WHO director faces a call to resign for coronavirus handling!

Over the development of the pandemic, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has received many criticisms over his action. So far, his organization has failed to calculate China’s coronavirus response accurately. Furthermore, they also worked to downplay the communist nation’s responsibility amid the outbreak. Now, he is also facing a more significant dilemma. Many global politicians are asking him to step down from his position!

The first calls for resignation came from Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz. She claimed that she “never trusted a communist” and that the Chinese government’s “cover-up of this virus that originated with them has caused unnecessary deaths around America and the world… I think Dr Tedros needs to step down.” in a recent interview. On Friday, she continued to push the blame about China’s lack of transparency on the WHO director-general.

“The World Health Organization has consistently bent to the will of the Chinese Communist Party at the expense of global health; and of containing the spread of the coronavirus, from downplaying the extent of the virus to systematically excluding Taiwan. Sen. Cruz believes that the WHO has lost the credibility necessary for it to be effective, and a reevaluation of its leadership is urgently called for.” his spokesperson shared through a publication.

Current situation in the world

As of Monday morning, the number of Covid-19 infection case reached more than 1.2 million, including 69, 000 deaths. Notably, the United States confirmed 337.000 infections and 9,600 death tolls. US surgeon Jerome Adams claimed that this week will be “the most difficult and saddest week in the lives of most Americans”.