Vitamin D3 helps against Respiratory Illnesses

What can each of us do to protect ourselves and our loved ones in these daring times? We think social distancing is essential, but what else can we do?. It seems that Vitamin D3 can play a crucial role in protecting against respiratory illnesses.

Especially with most of us spending more time indoors than ever, it seems quite important to share some data about vitamin D and general respiratory illnesses. Spending time indoors, we might not be making as much Vitamin D3 from sun exposure as usually.

Vitamin D is a hormone that controls nearly 5% of the protein-encoding human genome. Many genes that are regulated by vitamin d are involved in immune function. A meta-analysis of 25 controlled studies in 14 countries found that supplementation with Vitamin D decreased the risk of infection with respiratory illnesses by 50% of people were deficient and by still 10% in people with normal levels.

Vitamin D3 against respiratory illnesses

According to recent data, up to 40% of Europeans, especially in climates with less sun exposure might be vitamin D deficient. As all of you might know by now, older people are more severely impacted by COVID-19. We are not saying Vitamin D3 is a magic cure for COVID 19 (please be aware). It is a fact though that vitamin d production declines with age. A 70-year-old is nearly 75% less efficient at producing Vitamin D3 then a 20-year-old person.

Following the endocrine society, individual levels of 30-60ng/ml are considered adequate levels of d3. According to research daily supplementation of D3 (ideally combined with K2), vitamin d3 can raise your levels by ~5 ng/ml. Please do your research on this. D3 supplementation is relatively cheap, and if you can afford it, it is undoubtedly worth, if you think you or your loved ones might be deficient.
