Turkey to open new hospitals for coronavirus patients, distribute free masks!

Turkey will set up two new hospitals with a capacity of 1,000 beds per person in Istanbul to assist in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Catch the full news below!


Turkey’s hospital establishment plan

According to President Erdoğan, the first hospital will be built at Atatürk airport. In contrast, the others will be located at Sancaktepe on the Asian side. Erdoğan also announced the sale of face respirators is now prohibited. Furthermore, all masks are going to be instead given for free; either at supermarkets or assigned to citizens’ homes. All will be carried out by the Turkish Post and Telegraph Organization (PTT). 

“Our governorates have already begun sending free masks through PTT. We have enough stocks and production plans for our entire population until the pandemic is over,” he added. The country also made the use of masks in crowded public places, in public transport, grocery stores and workplaces mandatory last Friday. Regarding Turkish hospitals capacity and performance, Erdoğan claimed that they’re doing fine.


There is no problem with testing and treatment in hospitals. Thankfully, Turkey has not encountered any issues with food or cleaning supplies shortage so far, or any public disorder issues. Repeating a curfew for people over 65 and people with chronic illnesses; Erdoğan said the government, in cooperation with various organizations, has met the basic needs of these 1.32 million people. Notably, the order was extended to include people under 20 on Friday. 

Current situation in Turkey

The total amount of donations amounted to TL reached 1.5 billion (US$220 million) after the national fundraising campaign Nearly 43 million text messages were sent together with the donations. The number of confirmed coronaviruses in Turkey is now 30,217; while the number of deaths is 649. Up to now, a total of 202,845 tests have been performed in this country, and 1,326 patients have recovered from COVID-19.