Trudeau reveals new $2,000 per month benefit to streamline COVID-19 support!

 Canada Prime Minister Trudeau has recently announced a new benefit plan to support Canadians that lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Read more about this program below!


Trudeau reveals new $2,000 per month benefit to streamline COVID-19 support!

To aid their citizen in the ongoing pandemic, Canada government has unveiled a new program name Dubbed the Canada Emergency Response Benefit during Trudeau’s now-daily press conference at the Rideau Cottage in Ottawa. In details, it will replace the new initiatives which were announced last week. Furthermore, it also belongs to an $82-billion funding package. According to the program, it will provide $2000 per month for each person. 

Additionally, the aid will last up to four months and the applications process will be available next month. The money will arrive every month from March 15 until October 3. During the past week, nearly one million people have already applied for the EI due to the negative effect of the Covid-19 pandemic. Out of this number, Trudeau stated a total of 143,000 applicants have already been processed. For now, thousands of government employees have been redeployed to support the influx.

“Canadians who are eligible for EI regular and sickness benefits would still be able to access their normal EI benefits, if still unemployed, after the 16 weeks covered by the CERB,” the government asserted in a news release. The list also includes those who are sick, quarantined or have been laid off due to COVID-19. There are also parents with sick family members, children or kids who must stay home because schools and daycares are closed. Finally, there are also contract workers or self-employed and losing work or closing up shop due to the virus. Trudeau said workers who still have jobs, but have seen their pay cut, will also qualify.

Stay inside!

On another hand, Trudeau also raised the call for all citizens to stay inside during the pandemic. If they need to go outside, social distancing is a must. To those not listening to the new rules, he claimed: “You’re making a dangerous choice.”