Good news: Taiwan reports zero new coronavirus cases!

Good news for the day! After 36 days since the coronavirus outbreak, Taiwan has reported no new cases! Catch the full news below!


Good news: Taiwan reports zero new coronavirus cases!

Yesterday, Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) had given the latest update on the country’s situation. Notably, for the first time since the pandemic outbreak (36 days ago), they were no new positive cases of COVID-19. During the daily press conference, the Health Minister and CECC head Chen Shih-Chung also shared that the last time they record no increase was March 9. 

On the other hand, a significant number of positive cases during the period came from outside. These were Taiwanese citizens who fled from hotspots in the pandemic such as Europe, Asia, and North America. Previously, there were also questions regarding such a mass amount of people flying back; whether it could trigger the second wave of domestic infections to the country.

Taiwan is now recording a total of 393 cases. In details, 338 came from abroad and 55 confirmed as locally contracted. Furthermore, the death tolls are now 6. Meanwhile, 124 patients have been released after recovery. Fortunately, it looks like the CECC’s efforts at trying to control the pandemic has proved to be effective. From the start, they had quickly identified, isolated, and managed to trace contacts of confirmed cases. In other good news, he also claimed that 214 Taiwan citizens evacuated from Hubei province via charter plane on March 30 released on Tuesday; from self-isolation at home. They even have begun self-health management.

restriction remains

For now, all schools in Taiwan must check students daily for signs of fever. They also have to restrict extracurricular activities. Furthermore, shops, banks and office complexes are asking customers to stay 1.5 meters apart or wear facemasks. Lastly, most indoor events must not exceed 100 people.