Plague Inc. Developer Donates $250k to Fight Coronavirus Pandemic!

To show their support for the fight against the ongoing pandemic, Plague Inc. Developer Ndemic Creations recently made a hefty donation of $250,000 to WHO and CEPI. Read the full news below!

Plague Inc. Developer

Plague Inc. Developer Donates $250k to Fight Coronavirus Pandemic!

If you have a smartphone, big chance that you would have play Plague Inc. at least once in your life. According to a recently released statement, the game developer Ndemic Creations has made a donation of $250,000 to the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. Furthermore, it also unveiled a statement from Plague Inc. creator, James Vaughan. 

“Eight years ago, I never imagined the real world would come to resemble a game of Plague Inc. or that so many players would be using Plague Inc. to help them get through an actual pandemic. We are proud to be able to help support the vital work of the WHO and CEPI as they work towards finding a vaccine for COVID-19.” Back in January, the game surprisingly became the top-selling app in China. 

Plague Inc. Developer

The reason? It looked like people have turned to Plague Inc. to understand the evolving coronavirus situation around them, or perhaps indulge in morbid fascination. Following the event, the number of downloads even reach beyond China. As a result, the game soon claimed the top paid app spot on Apple App Store in February for US market. Now, the creator is reportedly working on a new mode for the game. In details, players will be taking on the role of fighting the virus. The plans include managing, mitigating, and eradicating an outbreak.

A new mode

Ndemic claimed that we should look forward to: managing disease progression and boosting healthcare systems as well as controlling real-world actions such as triaging, quarantining, social distancing and closing of public services. Furthermore, it is being developed with input from WHO and Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network experts. Notably, it will be free for download to all owners of Plague Inc.