Italy recorded the lowest daily coronavirus mortality in over two weeks!

Italy recorded the lowest daily coronavirus mortality for more than in the past two weeks; which has given hope to this country. Take a look!


Italy recorded the lowest daily coronavirus mortality for more than two weeks!

The total number of coronavirus deaths in the country is now is 15, 877; a rise of 525 cases. Notably, this was the lowest increase in 24 hours since the middle of last month and the start of the pandemic. Meanwhile, the number of patients that required special care also reduces in the second day. Italy is by far one of the countries with the most damage and highest deaths tolls by Coronavirus in the world. However, when the lockdown order enacted on March 9, the infection rate has decreased significantly.

In details, a total of 21, 815 cases reported to recover on Sunday – indicated an increase of more than 1, 000. Furthermore, the number of intensive care patient is now 3,977 ( 17 decrease), compared to 3, 994 on Friday. Despite the worrisome situation, the authorises warned the citizen shouldn’t let their guard down. Veneto and Alto Adige have requested that all netizens will need o wear face mask if they go shopping at stores and markets.

isolated distance

Besides, Bologna also abides by the rules with business activities and movement restrictions. Moreover, At Bergamo province, Sky News recently witnessed frighten scenes in its main hospital. The mayor believed that the death toll was higher than the reported. According to the current study in Bergamo, the actual number of deaths could double the total of 2,060, which is originally the hospital tracking number. Additionally, the infection and death rate has reduced in Spain when this country steps into the fourth week of lockdown.

What’s next?

Health operator Salvador Illa said: “Data from this week and today confirm the slowdown of the infection”. France reported a decrease in coronavirus deaths in their hospitals on Sunday. The French high-speed train network has also transported seriously ill coronavirus patients to hospitals under stress outside the capital. Nearly 7,000 patients are under intensive care in France, pushing hospitals to their limits and beyond.