Germany’s Number of Coronavirus Recoveries Now Exceeds New Cases!

Good news for the day! The total number of coronavirus recoveries in Germany now surpassed the new cases for the first time since its outbreak. For more information, read on!

Germany’s Number of Coronavirus

Germany’s Number of Coronavirus Recoveries Now Exceeds New Cases!

Amid the pandemic outbreak, Germany has been quick to shutdowns the country to avoid the spread of the contagious virus. Today, it looks like the method has brought a positive result. According to the latest data update, the number of daily recoveries in the country has surpassed the number of new cases. So far, Germany reported 7,381 people who have recovered from the illness in 24 hours.

Meanwhile, the growth in infections during the day was 3,252, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Notably, this is also the lowest number within the last two weeks. On the other hand, the death toll increased from 226 to 1,810 on Tuesday. This is also the highest number of new fatalities in a day for Germany. Speaking on an interview, German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has given his statement on the situation. 

Germany’s Number of Coronavirus

“It seems that the measures are beginning to affect. If that is confirmed over the longer term; then we can start to think about how we can perhaps return to normality step by step,”. Up until now, Germany has conducted various regulations to prevent the spread of the virus. So far, they carried out strict social-distancing rules in multiple areas. Besides, the period has recently extended those until April 19. Chancellor Angela Merkel shared a word on Monday, saying that even with the country’s effort to try to “moved forward” to help slow the spread of the virus; it is still too early to set a time frame for easing measures.

Current situation

Since the breakout of the Covid-19 virus, the European Union has been one of the areas that suffered the severest damage. Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that this is the decisive week for them to respond to the disease. More proposals to mitigate the economic and financial fallout should be revealed soon.