Ford will work with GE, 3M to produce ventilators, respirators and face shields!

According to a recent statement, Ford Motor Co. is now planning to work with GE, 3M to build respirators, ventilators and face shields. Catch the full news below!


Ford will work with GE, 3M to build ventilators, respirators, face shields!

It seems like Ford has joined hand with its UAW workforce and manufacturing company 3M and GE Healthcare to show support for the battle against the covid-19. In details, the company will be using their car parts and factory tools to produce medial necessities for all doctors, nurses and first responders as early as this week. Appearing on ‘Today show, Executive Chairman Bill Ford announced the initiatives. 

“We were the arsenal of democracy during two world wars. We built iron lungs for polio patients. Whenever we’re called on, we’re there.” The company will also support manufacturing company 3M to help build air-purifying respirators on two fronts. Furthermore, they will also give a hand in boosting the respirator designs production that 3M is currently working on. Notably, Ford is going to working on their respirators using a makeshift design at the same time.

 Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company

The machine hardware will include fans from F-150 pickup seats, hoods from assembly plant paint shops, plus 3D-printed parts and portable tool battery packs. With this setup, it will be able to run up to eight hours. In a month, Ford estimates they can make nearly 1000 respirators and help 3M reach tenfold production rate. Meanwhile, they claim the production of face shield should reach 100,000 per week in Michigan by the end of operators and assemblers. By this week, at least 75,000 medical face shields will be ship. This amount will aid medical professionals, factory workers and store clerks. Finally, the brand works with GE Healthcare to increase the production of the simplified machine of GE’s ventilator design. 

It’s time for action.

Ford shared through their recent statement: “This is such a critical time for America and the world, it is a time for action and cooperation. By coming together across multiple industries, we can make a real difference for people in need and for those on the front lines of this crisis. At Ford, we feel a deep obligation to step up and contribute in times of need, just as we always have through the 117-year history of our company.”