Florida man buys $20,000 bottle of bourbon for $40,000 to help struggling restaurant!

A Florida man has decided to buy a $20,000 bottle of bourbon for double to support a struggling restaurant during the pandemic. Here is the full story! 

Florida man

Florida man buys a $20,000 bottle of bourbon for $40,000 to help struggling restaurant!

Amid the pandemic outbreak, restaurants are among the most affected industries globally. Similarly, Suzanne and Roger Perry, owners of Datz Restaurant Group in Tampa, Florida, also faced the same obstacles. While others turn to different ways like picking-up or delivery only; or have to shut down; their restaurant went from 400 staffs to only 27. Furthermore, they also were running out of a fund to keep even their minimum number of employees paid.

“(Our employees are) the family. We’ve watched their children grow up. They’ve done absolutely nothing wrong, but we can’t protect them. There’s absolutely nothing we can do”. Suzanne Perry shared with the press. As a last resort, they tried to make money by selling the most valuable item in their inventory: a 25-year-old bottle of Old Rip Van Winkle bourbon. “I Googled it to see what the prices were, and I saw anywhere from $17,000 to $26,000 online. So I listed it for $20,000”.

Florida man
“The Drunken Crab” in North Hollywood

While they received many offers, the number didn’t reach the $20,000 they asked. Surprisingly, a miracle happened after that when they got a call from a frequented local couple. Suzanne Perry replayed the conversation: “A woman called, and I spoke to her husband. He’s a veteran; he appreciates bourbon and wants to add it in his collection. They decided that they would purchase it. We were pleased about that”. Furthermore, they insisted that he would make the purchase it in person with a cashier’s check.

A big surprise

“He drove it in the next morning and handed Roger the check. Roger looked at it and saw that rather than what would have been $17,000 with the discount that we had offered, the check was written for $40,000”. Suzanne Perry noted. She tried to give it back, thinking it was a mistake. However, the man insisted that they keep it.