Coronavirus is now the leading cause of death in the US!

According to the latest report, Coronavirus has become the leading cause of death in the U.S. For more information, let’s discover below!

Coronavirus now leading cause of death in the US

Coronavirus now leading cause of death in the U.S.!

Coronavirus is a global pandemic phenomenon that threatens human life in the world. Now, it is the most dangerous infection in the U.S., causing more deaths every day than cancer or heart disease. According to the Newsweek, COVID-19 is responsible for 1,970 deaths in the United States every day. As for the new graph posted by a doctor Maria Danilychev. Whereas it was only last weeks, Danilychev issued a report revealing COVID-19 as the third leading cause of death in this nation. 

The pandemic has replaced of accidents, with fatalities averaging at around 748 per day. Besides, a rapid increase of the deaths relating Covid-19 began on March 22. It led to the daily death rate of a virus was higher than those associated with influenza, pneumonia, kidney disease, suicide and other leading causes. In particular, 1.774 cases of heart disease and 1.641 by cancer. However, the recent situation has shown the number of infection is reducing in some of the worst affected areas.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said the admission rate on Thursday was diminishing in the city. Anthony Fauci, a leading member of President Trump’s coronavirus task force, had the first plan around 100.000 to 240.000 virus case. However, this number won’t become true. Due to according to the Washington University report, it had around 60. 000 deaths by August, significantly decrease from the original estimate.

Current situation

“I think that America resident has performed a great work just buckling down and has done physical distance, abide by those guidelines,” Fauci said. He added the latest report showed death rate is significantly lower than the original model predicted. The new data coming from hospitals and facilities provide a better outlook for the nation in the future.