Apple donates 10 million masks to healthcare workers in the US!

Apple CEO Tim Cook recently shared that the US company will be donating 10 million masks to all healthcare workers in the US! Catch the full news below!


Apple donates 10 million masks to healthcare workers in the US!

Last week, Apple CEO has tweeted that their company has been donating “millions of masks for health professionals in the US and Europe”. It seems like Cook’s tweet has helped confirm a statement released by Vice President Mike Pence earlier. “The president and I literally heard directly from Apple that they’re donating 2 million industrial masks to this effort around the country and working with our administration to distribute those.”

Furthermore, Pence also shared that Apple has raised the number to 9 million, then Cook went on to clarify in a tweet to “10 million masks for the US and millions more for the hardest-hit regions in Europe. Our teams at Apple have been working to help source supplies for healthcare providers fighting COVID-19. We’re donating millions of masks for health professionals in the US and Europe. To every one of the heroes on the front lines, we thank you”.


Based on Cook’s tweet, the US company operations team is now using its supply chain expertise to source, obtain, and donate the masks. With this process, it’s no wonder Apple could obtain so many masks in such a short time. For now, there is a high demand for masks, but supplies are now quite low, according to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. The Department of Health and Human Services has “placed an order for hundreds of millions of N95 masks” so far, according to Pence. 

A big shortage of N95 masks

Notably, the N95 respirators are the type of masks that are disposable, close-fitting which should keep virus-laden droplets away from the wearer’s mouth and nose. Furthermore, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention heeds that the masks’ effectiveness is “highly dependent upon proper fit and use.”