Coronavirus: Prince Charles tested positive for COVID-19!

A spokesman of British Royal recently delivered the news that the son of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles of Wales has tested positive for COVID-19. Catch the full article below!

Prince Charles

Coronavirus: Prince Charles tests positive for COVID-19!

Clarence House has recently confirmed that the 71-year-old heir to the throne has tested positive with coronavirus disease. According to the statement, Price Charles began displaying “mild symptoms” last weekend and was tested on Monday. His result came through late on Tuesday night. He is now in self-isolating in Scotland with the Duchess of Cornwall, who show negative when tested. Otherwise, he “remains in good health”.

“The tests were carried out by the NHS in Aberdeenshire where they met the criteria required for testing. It is not possible to ascertain from whom the Prince caught the virus owing to the high number of engagements he carried out in his public role during recent weeks.” read the statement. Prince Charles last appeared on March 12 at the reception and dinner in aid of the Australian bushfire relief effort at Mansion House in London.

Queen Elizabeth

He has also attended an investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace. However, there was no contact gesture allowed due to the concerns on the spread of the disease. On another note, he also met the Queen on 12 March morning. However, the 93-year-old monarch is reportedly in “good health” as she is following all the proper health and safety advice. Before this, his list of attendant functions includes Prince’s Trust event in London (March 11), WaterAid summit at Clarence House (March 10). Notably, the last event sported the appearance of Prince Albert of Monaco; who was the first head of state that tested positive for coronavirus.

Coronavirus situation in the United Kingdom

The UK has confirmed 424 coronavirus deaths so far, with more than 8,000 infections cases. Plus, 89 deaths reported on Tuesday, which is the largest daily increase nationwide to date. Prime Minister Boris Johnson so far has enforced a lockdown to try to slow the spread of the disease, encourage people not to leave home unless necessary.