Bill Gates calls Taiwan’s treatment of coronavirus ‘exemplary’!

In a recent interview, Bill Gates has described Taiwan’s treatment of coronavirus as ‘exemplary’. Take a look a the full article below for the reason!

Bill Gates

Bill Gates calls Taiwan’s treatment of coronavirus ‘exemplary’!

Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates has complimented Taiwan’s rapid reaction to the explosion of Covid-19 pandemic in a recent interview. In details, Bill Gates quoted Taiwan as a main demonstrate of a country that has disposed of the infection more effective than other countries. He shared this statement during the interview with Chris Wallace in the Fox News program called “Fox News Sunday.” 

Furthermore, he also recommended that the United States learn enforcement of the pandemic control policies from this island nation. Previously, the Gates Foundation has donated $100 million to aid the fight against the Coronavirus disease. However, he proclaimed that the U.S government handled too slow to respond, postponing primary action in two months. Gates emphasized that Taiwan is an exemplary nation.

The reason is they quickly determined the problem and started community-wide testing early. As a result, Taiwan won’t bear the damage on “disease suffering and economic effection” similar other countries. He said. Besides, Gates announced that virus testing and ventilator distribution should manage a federal level. Gates, who at a Ted Talk in 2015 – warned that the U.S. didn’t ready for a virus outburst. He said that if the U.S. carries out his advice, they provided a large number of test kits, lots of medication to treat, and the ability to develop vaccines faster. On the other side, Taiwan learnt from a valuable lesson from SARS pandemic in 2003. So, they founded the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CECC). Furthermore, we need to be careful about the information and data that the Chinese proclaimed when the epidemic began. 

What did Taiwan do?

On December 31, 2019, Taiwan inquired WHO about the spread of the virus from person to person but never received a response. Regarding the previous data, China covered outbreaks like SARS and swine fever in Africa. At that time, the Centre of Disease Control sent officials on board from Wuhan and screened virus behaviours to prevent transmission in Taiwan proactively.