US health official warns of another coronavirus ‘peak’ unless Americans continue social distancing!

 Americans don’t follow the social distancing guidelines; it could lead to another coronavirus’ peak’ in the upcoming week. Read more details on this statement below!

The White House

Another coronavirus’ peak’ could happen!

Last weekend, U.S. health officials warned that the upcoming Sunday could possibly be the “hardest and saddest week of most Americans’ lives” amid the ongoing pandemic. Recently, a vital member of the White House coronavirus task force has urged all Americans citizens to follow their social distancing guidelines. On Monday, Admiral Brett Giroir, assistant secretary of Health and Human Services, predicted that there could be another “peak” incoming.

“Even though we say this is going to be the peak; if we let our foot off the gas and start doing ill-advised things, we could have another peak in a few weeks. So we have to keep our efforts going completely,” Giroir shared. “Everyone is susceptible to this, and everyone needs to follow the precautions that we’ve laid out. Your best precautions, the best way to avoid this, is the physical distance we’ve been talking about for several weeks.”

Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, also raised more concern on the following of social distancing. He asked all citizens to stay home. Furthermore, he also stressed that this is not the time for them to “going to the grocery store, going to the pharmacy.” However, the warning doesn’t mean that they should go on without necessities. Everyone should limit their exposure to the outside. Should you need to go out, then wear a mask. 

A rough week

Giroir shared that this was peak week for hospitalizations and deaths tolls in some of the hardest-hit areas; such as New York, New Jersey and Michigan. He described that it “reflects infections that occurred two or three weeks ago.” Meanwhile, other areas such as New Orleans, we should see a peak in the coming weeks. For now, Trump administration has announced an extension for the guidelines that lasts until April 30.