Second potential COVID-19 vaccine enters the human testing phrase!

The second potential COVID-19 vaccine finally enters the human testing stage. Notably, the project is backed by Bill and Melinda Gates. Come and see the full details below!

COVID-19 vaccine

Second potential COVID-19 vaccine enters the human testing supported by Bill and Melinda Gates!

Today, a candidate of Covid-19 vaccine is finally entering a clinical trial: human testing. The process began after the United State Drug and Food Administration (FDA) accepted an application from Inovio Pharmaceuticals; following the new drug investigation program of regulatory authority. Moreover, Inovio has a plan to start the first volunteer experiment object with the DNA INO-4800 vaccine that they developed. Previously, it has shown promising results indicating increased immune response when applying on an animal.

A DNA Inovio vaccine campaigner works by vaccinating a plasmid that specially designs (a small genetic structure, independent) in to patients; so that their cells can create an antibody to target their desired to fight off specific infections. DNA-vaccine hasn’t approved to use for human yet. But, this DNA-vaccine is available for a variety of animal infections in veterinary medicine. Therefore, Inovio hasn’t worked experimentation right from the start. Before, the company hasn’t finished a DNA-vaccine applicant for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). 

COVID-19 vaccine

As a result, a high antibody persists in the subject for a long time. Besides, Inovio could expand the scale quickly, developing and producing “thousands of doses” of INO-4800 in just a few short weeks to support for the first period and the second term. Plus, thanks to supporting from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, non-profit organizations, and the other associations. If clinical experiments succeeded, Inovio said that they could offer up to one million vaccines ready at the end of this year.  

In conclusion

This is the second vaccine to carry out phase 1 clinical trials on human subjects: Moderna began testing in mid-March. The Inovio testing includes 40 volunteers healthy adult. The selection happens throughout either Philadelphia’s Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania or the Center for Pharmaceutical Research in Kansas City. Hope we don’t have to wait along!