Taiwan donates 2 Million hospital masks to the United States!

To help provide hard-to-find medical supplies for countries affected by the coronavirus pandemic, Taiwan is going to donate 2 million hospital masks to the United States. Read more below!


Taiwan donates 2 Million hospital masks to the United States!

According to the statement by Republican Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado; these masks should arrive in American by next week. Furthermore, half of them will be provided to the federal government, and the rest will be divided between individual states. On the other hand, Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen announced. “Over the past months, we have seen countless acts of bravery and sacrifice from many medical workers around the world.

It is our duty as global citizens to give them our full support”. Tsai’s face-mask pledge nearly coincides with reports that the U.S medical supplies are running low; due to the number of confirmed coronaviruses causes quick increase. Notably, the disclosure came on an alliance last month for Taiwan to trade a hundred thousands of masks per week for access to U.S. hazmat equipment.

Tsai Ing-wen

“These supplies will go to medical workers working on the front lines; those are working around the clock to save lives”. Notably, Taiwanese officials also organised the assistance with Gardner, who is in charge of the Foreign Relations subcommittee for Asia now. “We’ve been talking to Taiwan about this capacity and that capacity and getting that into the United States. We’ve been very engaged on that front, on the masks and the extra capacity.” – shared Gardner.

Taiwan’s situation

Amid the outbreak of coronavirus back in January; Taiwan has started the battle by launching a rapid-response plan at the beginning of the year. Notably, they also raised the question that Chinese officials in Wuhan; (where the virus broke out) has not been candid about the outbreak. “They didn’t let us see what they didn’t want us to see,” Kolas Yotaka (Taiwanese government spokeswoman) stated last month. Recently, Taiwan’s medical supply manufacturers have increased their mask production to more than 8 million per day.