The Vatican claims Pope Francis tests negative for coronavirus!

The Vatican released their statement last Saturday, sharing the news that Pope Francis has tested negative for the coronavirus. Catch the full report below! 

The Vatican claims Pope Francis tests negative for coronavirus!

Recently, the Vatican has taken a total of 170 samples in the same complex after one case tested positive for Covid-19 virus. So far, six of the new testers’ result turned out to be positive, Vatican spokesman Matte Bruni shared with the press. Furthermore, the entire resident has also undergone the sanitizing process. On the other hand, he also shared more information on the whereabouts of Pope Francis. “Neither the Holy Father nor his closest aides are among these”.

Recently, the pope on Sunday also supported the U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s request for a global ceasefire amid the Covid-19 pandemic. He appealed for a suspension “of any form of hostilities,”. Moreover, he claimed to “joint fight” against the epidemic while speaking after the midday Angelus Prayer. Additionally, Pope Francis has made a donation of 30 respirators to the hospitals in areas that were hit the hardest hit by the coronavirus. 

Pope Francis

 For now, Italy is one of the hardest-hit nations. The country now has more than 97,000 coronavirus cases and more than 10,000 deaths record. Notably, the epicentre of the outbreak was the northern Lombardy region. Meanwhile, the death toll in Italy doubles that seen in any other country.”Santa Marta may be a bomb waiting to explode,” shared one of the officials, who remained anonymous due to their unauthorized to discuss the situation.

New decrees 

Since the beginning of March, the Vatican has issued five notices or decrees to help deal with the matter. The list includes recommendations to interact by phone even with people in the same room; and alternating shifts and supporting as much work from home as possible.