A 99-year-old man recovers from COVID-19 in retirement home!
Good news! A 99-year-old West Vancouver resident, Reuben Huva, has fully recovered from COVID-19 after contracting it at his retirement home earlier this month. Catch the full news below!

99-year-old man recovers from COVID-19 in retirement home!
Let us bring you good news to start this bloomy week. According to the media, a 99-year-old man who in West Vancouver who previously tested positive for coronavirus is now recovered. Living at Hollyburn House retirement home, Reuben Huva started showing a symptom of the COVID-19 disease by the start of the month. He lost his appetite and was said to be tired and had a slight cough.
As a result, the staff first thought he simply had a cold. According to his daughter, his result came through on March 11 showed that he tested positive for the virus. She shared that they thought he wouldn’t make it. At the time, Huva was suffering from dementia and was not wholly aware of what was going on as he was being confined to his room. His daughter was able to visit him with fully quipped mask, gloves and gown.

When hearing that he had the flu, Huva said that he felt fine. Other family members could also talk to him through his closed window. After that, he began to feel better and his symptoms were also resolved. He was said to be back to being his “cheerful old self”. Huva latest test came on March 25; showing a negative result. He was declared ‘fully recovered’ on the same day.
A sigh of relief
So far, a total of twelve long-term care homes in West Vancouver have reported at least one positive case. AT Hollyburn, there was Huva and another staff that got tested positive. Graham Freeman, Revera regional director of operations, recently released his statement. “The challenge with coronavirus is we are two weeks behind it, not knowing where it’s been. So we’re always on pins and needles waiting to hear results back from testing. It was a sigh of relief and a bright spot in this whole pandemic”